HERALD WEEKLY ISSUE 585: 12 October 2011

Introducing the Mire Tama 2011 Judging Panel
Mire Tama includes young males

This year the Cook Islands National Auditorium will not be hosting the Miss Tiare pageant but instead a new gender mixed pageant, which is a “Youth Talent and Personal Development Quest” the “Mire Tama”. The Herald talked to Ministry for Cultural Development Secretary Sonny Williams about the new competition hitting the rock on Thursday the 13th of October.
“The aim of this is to also include young men in our programme of training and improvement offered during the competition,” said Williams, “Because it has been proven in the past that young women who have gone through the training provided for the Miss Tiare and Miss Cook Islands Pageants have improved their self esteem and self confidence, the Ministry has decided to expand the Miss Tiare into the Mire Tama and include boys.”
“We have noticed that when it comes to public speaking in schools and public events girls have always dominated the boys, so this is the turning point for change,” said Williams.
Training for the new competition started on the 17th of September and 15 college students have been deep undercover preparing and perfecting their performances for the judged categories, Public Speaking, Public Presentation and Natural Talent. “We were seeking to have at least 2 boys and girls from each college, sadly we do not have any participants from Nukutere College, but we are making up for it by the amount of participants that have signed up to join the competition, which is higher than we anticipated,” commented Williams.
Winner’s of the boy’s section will be crowned Tama Aito and the winner of the girl’s section will be crowned Maine Tiare. -Tiare Ponini

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