HERALD WEEKLY ISSUE 511: 12 May 2010

Akanoa CIP candidate for Ruaau

At the Cook Islands Party (CIP) meeting in Ruaau on Tuesday evening held at the Ruaau meeting house, David Akanoa was nominated and endorsed as the CIP candidate for the electorate in the next general election. Akanoa was the only person nominated. He is a builder and prominent in the LDS Church being a President of the Church for many years. He is a keen supporter of sport in Arorangi and was a former A Grade player and Cook Islands rugby rep. Around 30 people attended the meeting.

Herald Issue 463 10 June
- World famous activist assisting residents
- Budget will decide if residents prosecute Government over landfill
- Forestry project sucking Mangaia dry
- Budget 2010 – fiasco or disaster?

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