Cook Islands Times Weekly | Issue 173 23 October 2006

Cutting through the budget spin
By Peter Lomas

An agitated adviser of the Finance Minister interrupted lunch in the Bus Stop Café this week. She clutched a copy of the Cook Islands Herald.
She was upset by news commentary by our political editor, Charles Pitt, which appeared in the Herald. She expressed her views about this. Strongly.
Well, everyone’s entitled to their views.
But what was this news commentary which seemingly so upset Dr Terepai Maoate’s agitated adviser?
One of the facts of life in today’s rather political environment is that there is a concerted effort by some to put a “spin” on the news. To reinforce their own side’s position in the public mind.
Promoting that “spin” is, we understand, one of the main functions of this agitated adviser. She was once a journalist. But these days she’s a political activist promoting the special interests of those she serves. She’s what some people would call a “spin doctor”. That’s the job she’s taken on and we don’t begrudge her that.
But just regurgitating that special-interest “spin” is not the job or function of a free and independent news media.
Our jobs here at the Pitt Media Group - Radio Cook Islands, Cook Islands Television, the Cook Islands Herald and Cook Islands Times - are built on seeking the truth. This is so as to help the people of this country be as well informed as possible.
This includes informing ordinary citizens about things they are entitled to know, but which some in positions of power would rather keep secret.
An informed public can then make their own informed decisions.
News commentary can be a vital part of that process. It is an interpretation of an important issue, stripping away the “spin” from the various sides to help the reader or the viewer to form an opinion of their own.
So we come to the current debate – and growing public concern – over the failure to pass the budget. Will there now be enough money available to keep Government running after the end of this month?
Dr Maoate is saying there will be. His agitated adviser puts that “spin” on this. Others disagree. They put their own “spin” on it.
Charles Pitt is especially well qualified to look at this, strip away all the “spin”, and interpret what is really going on here.
Charles is not just an experienced journalist dedicated to serving the people of the Cook Islands with integrity. He also brings to his daily journalism extensive background in public service matters.
As I told Dr Maoate’s agitated adviser: “Journalism in the Cook Islands could benefit from having more like Charles.”
One point the agitated adviser stressed was that we should have said that Charles is the brother of Cook Islands Party candidate George Pitt.
What she didn’t mention is that Charles is also the brother of Trevor Pitt, key adviser to the Democratic Party’s Prime Minister, Jim Marurai.
But that’s the problem with “spin doctors”. They only give you the “spin” which suits their viewpoint or position.
It’s why news commentary by well-qualified independent journalists such as Charles Pitt, as our Political Editor, is essential.
It strips away all that “spin” being pushed by people like the agitated adviser we encountered over lunch in the Bus Stop Café. It helps everyone understand what is really going on.
And that’s got to be good for all the people of the Cook Islands.

Headlines : Times 173
- Money supply explanation still not clear
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- Cutting through the budget spin
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-Trader Jack praised for support
- Letter to the Editor: The influence of TV/films on children’s learning

Headlines : Times 172
- Warning for local pirates
- More women sought in House
- Petition names not allowed out
- Don’t come here: Outer islands target dengue
- Avatiu charter boat in big scientific project
- Kawerau calling here: Raro just like home

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